Work Hours
Everyday: 北京时间8:00 - 23:59
Bachelor of Business
Information System and Decision Making
Section A: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Subject Name & Code Information Systems and Decision Making (IS302)
Semester/year Semester 1 2022
Credit Point Value 10
Duration One semester
AQF Level 7
Student Workload 10 hours a week
Pre-Requisite None
Presentation Team
Subject Coordinator Philip Wang
Lecturers Philip Wang
Office Location 302-306 Elizabeth St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone (02) 8252 9999
Consultation times 30 mins before and after class, or by appointment through email
Teaching methods/strategies
Three-hour class contact: 1 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial.
This subject adopts the following teaching and learning strategies:
Hypothetical as well as contemporary real world case studies are used to develop students’
understanding of key Information System and Decision Making concepts.
Preparation outside class:
One of the principal learning strategies for this subject involves the preparation of assigned material
prior to class. Students are required to read and reflect upon assigned readings and problems from
the textbook, workbook and other sources and are expected to apply this learning when they come
to class.
In-class activities:
Each session uses a combination of lecture and interactive tutorial learning activities. The interactive
tutorial activity is designed to build upon your understanding of business decision making and apply
these understanding in real life scenario to ensure that students comprehend the technical aspects
of each topic. The lecture material is designed to work with the activity in the tutorial material and
consist of typically incorporate in-class discussion and the application of the technical content to
authentic Decision Marking problems through the completion of in-class exercises.
Consultation with subject teaching staff:
All subject teaching staff are available for one-on-one consultation with students. The specific times
that staff are available for consultation will be advised in seminars by your lecturer and can also be
found on the cover page of this outline. Meeting staff during consultation provides an opportunity
for students to receive feedback on their learning in this subject.
Brief Subject Description
The most important activity that a manager may engage in is their decision making. Indeed, decision
making is one of the most frequent activities that human beings do: these decisions range from
incredibly simple things such as what sorts of clothes to wear today up to whether a takeover offer
made by a rival organisation should be accepted or rejected. The movement towards a postindustrial or knowledge intensive economy has also meant that decision making has evolved from
one which has been mainly human-centric to one in which the use of information technology to
support decision making has become more and more important and pervasive. Where this
information technology support for decision-making is implemented well, it would be expected that
the capacity of human decision makers will improve meaning that decisions will be both more
efficient and more effective. Accordingly, this subject will first investigate the sort of decisions the
organisations and managers must make at different levels within the organisation. Second, the
subject will examine the different models of decision making that the underlying theory of decision
making which supports these models, e.g. decision trees, linear programming, etc. Third, the subject
will undertake a critical review of the success or otherwise in applying information technology to the
support of human beings in their decision-making. Finally, the subject will also look at the emerging
“decision aiding” technology such as expert and knowledge-based systems (including neural
networks and case-based reasoning systems) to determine how these technologies will either
support or replace human decision making.
Subject Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this subject, students will be able to:
A Understand the heterogeneous nature of the decision-making activity across different
managerial levels and decision environments within organisations;
B Apply different decision models to the decision making process;
C Understand how humans make decisions – individually, in a group or within a whole-oforganisation context;
D Recognize that humans have a number of flaws in their decision making and understand what
responses are necessary to address these flaws;
E Apply appropriate information systems to support the decision making by managers and/or
teams within an organisation; and
F Appreciate how advanced ICT technologies, such as artificial intelligence, can either support
or replace human decision makers.
Weekly Schedule (Semester 1, 2022)
Week Date (Week
Topics Required Reading
1 07.03.2022
Lecture: Models of decision making
Tutorial: Excel Function Overview Part #1
(Building Excel, What-if functions,
SUMPRODUCT functions, If, and COUNTIF)
Excel Handbook (Online
14.03.2022 Lecture: Structured versus Unstructured
Tutorial: Excel Function Overview Part #2
(VLOOKUP Auditing Excel & Error Checking
SUMIF Cell Naming)
Excel Handbook (Online
21.03.2022 Lecture: Decision making using computers: an
Tutorial: Linking problem solving and decision
making (Goal Seeking)
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 1; end of
chapter problems 4, 8
& 12 (Available on
28.03.2022 Decision making using computers: knowledge
representation and models of machine
Tutorial: Simple decision making using linear
programming (Solver)
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 2; Appendix
2.1 and end of chapter
problems 4, 6,7 & 10
(Available on Canvas)
5 04.04.2022
Decision making using computers: machine
Tutorial: Using sensitivity analysis in decision
making (Solver: Sensitivity)
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 3; Appendix
3.1 and end of chapter
problems 12 (Available
on Canvas)
6 11.04.2022*
Lecture: Building decision support systems
Tutorial: Logistics problem solving and
decision making (Solver and SUMPRODUCT)
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 6; Appendix
6.1 and end of chapter
problems 2 & 11
(Available on Canvas)
7 18.04.2022 Intra-Semester Break
8 25.04.2022**
Lecture: Decision making and human
behaviour: an overview
Tutorial: Nonlinear optimisation decision
models ( Solver: Nonlinear )
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 8; Appendix
8.1 and end of chapter
problems 10
(Available on Canvas)
Week Date (Week
Topics Required Reading
9 02.05.2022
Lecture: Decision making and human
behaviour: how humans make judgements
Tutorial: Anderson, et al., 2018: Chapter 12;
executing Sanotronics simulation trials with
Excel; end of chapter problems 2 (RAND(),
What-If? = Data Table, and FREQUENCY())
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 12; executing
Sanotronics simulation
trials with Excel; end of
chapter problems 2
(Available on Canvas)
09.05.2022 Lecture: Decision making and human
behaviour: heuristics and biases
Tutorial: Decision trees and other decision
analysis; value of perfect information; utility
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 13; end of
chapter problems 1 & 3
(Available on Canvas)
16.05.2022 Lecture: Decision making and human
behaviour: overconfidence
Tutorial: Multi-criteria decision making – goal
setting and programming, Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) ( SUM())
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 14; Appendix
14.1; end of chapter
problems 9
(Available on Canvas)
23.05.2022 Lecture: Decision making and human
behaviour: other issues
Tutorial: Time series analysis, trend
projection, seasonal analysis, and forecasting
(Data Analysis, LINEST () and Forecast Sheet)
Anderson, et al., 2018:
Chapter 15; Appendix
30.05.2022 Lecture: Decision making, uncertainty and
decision risk
Tutorial: Course Summary and Revision
14 06.06.2022*** Study Week – No Classes
15 13.06.2022 Exam Week
16 20.06.2022 Exam Week
- Friday 15th April is a public holiday. There will not be any classes on this date.
** Monday 25th April is a public holiday. There will not be any classes on this date.
*** Monday 6th June, make up classes for the Labour Day public holiday
Summary of Assessment
Assessment Task %
Due Date
Assessment 1: Online Questions (Computer DecisionMaking) 30% B, F Week 7
Assessment 2: Online Questions (Statistic Decision-making) 30% A, B, E Week 14
Assessment 3: individual Essay Assignment (2,000 – 2500
words) (Business and Psychology Decision Making) 40% A, B, C,
The full marking criteria and rubric can be found in this subject’s Canvas site. Please go to the tabs on
the left-hand side of the home page, click on ‘Assignments’ and the click onto the assignment.
The marking rubric shown there will be used to assess your work, so please ensure that you have
read and understood it before commencing work on your assignment.
Please Note: - Due to the evolving nature of the situation with coronavirus, the assessment items and
schedule may change - Students MUST achieve a mark of at least 40% in the final exam (or final assessment item if
no exam), AND at least a mark of 50% in total, to pass this subject. - Subject to Covid-19 restrictions, it is our intention that all end of semester exams will be face
to face on campus (NOT online). You will be kept informed if there is any change to this.
Detailed Assessment Guidelines
Assessment 1: Online Questions (Computer Decision-Making)
In this assignment, students are required to demonstrate that they understand of how computers
make decisions by answering a series of multiple choice and short answer questions
Due date: 22.04.2022
Weighting: 30%
Length and Format: 2 hours online questions with a mix of multiple choice and short answer
Assessment Details: Online questions include both short questions and multiple choice will be
created based on lecture of artificial intelligence between week 3 to week 5
that is designed the test the student’s understanding and appreciation of
the topic. Students are required to complete online questions before the
end of week 7.
Assessment addresses
B, F
Marking Criteria Please refer to Marking Rubric on Canvas
Assessment 2: Online Questions (Statistic Decision-making)
In this assignment, students are given a set of statistical problems. They are required to use the
techniques, models, and various problem solving skills discussed in the tutorials to find their
Due date: 05.06.20
Weighting: 30%
Length and Format: 2 hours online questions, student require to submit one document and one
excel to answer these given questions
Assessment Details: A list of 10 questions will be created based on questions and appendix
activities listed from week 3 to 11. The list of question will be made
available in week 12. Student is required to submit one document and one
excel on Canvas before the end of week 14.
Assessment addresses
A, B, E
Marking Criteria Please refer to Marking Rubric on Canvas
Assessment 3: individual Essay Assignment (2,000 – 2500 words) (Business and Psychology
Decision Making) (Note: Students MUST achieve a mark of at least 40% in this assessment item,
AND at least a mark of 50% in total, to pass this subject.)
In this assignment, student require to use their understanding of Decision Making from Business
Analysis and Psychology perspective to critically analyse and evaluate the case study provided
Due date: 05.06.20
Weighting: 40%
Length and Format: 2000-2500 words, Essay
Assessment Details: A Case study that aimed to examine understanding of decision-making
process will be provided to the student. The student is required to apply
lecture material by writing an individual essay.
Assessment addresses
A, B, C, D, E
Marking Criteria Please refer to Marking Rubric on Canvas
Texts and References
Prescribed text:
Anderson, DR, Sweeney, DJ, Williams, TA, Camm, JD, Cochran, JJ & Fry, MJ 2018, An Introduction
to Management Science: Quantitative Approach, 15th edn., Cengage Learning, Boston
Massachusetts. ISBN 9781337406529
Recommended Reading
Bidgoli, H 2020, MIS, 10th edn., Cengage Learning, Boston, Massachusetts. ISBN 9780357418697
Ekel, P, Pedrycz, W & Pereira, J Jr., 2019, Multicriteria Decision-Making Under Conditions of
Uncertainty: A Fuzzy Set Perspective, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN
Sheedy, KJP 2018, Good Thinking, and Bad: Using the Science of Cognition to Make Better
Decisions, Navidus Consulting/WritersWorld, Woodstock Oxfordshire, UK. ISBN 9781999623807
Fausto, APM & Marquez, PG 2017, Decision-Making Management: A Tutorial and Applications,
Academic Press (Elsevier), London, UK. ISBN 9780128115404
Wilson, J 2017, Critical Thinking: A Beginner’s Guide to Critical Thinking, Better Decision Making and
Problem Solving!, CreateSpace. ISBN 9781542966146
Christian, B & Griffiths, T 2016, The Computer Science of Human Decisions, Picador, MacMillan
Publishing Group, New York, NY. ISBN 9781250118363
Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson
Education Limited,.
Salles, M 2015, Decision-Making and the Information System, ISTE/Wiley, London. UK ISBN
9781848217539 (9781119102984)
Clemen, RT & Reilly, T 2013, Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools, 3rd edn., Cengage
Learning, Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN 9780538797573
Online and Other Resources
Brackins, GP 2019, Critical Thinking Skills: 11 Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making And
Problem Solving Skills, Bluesource and Friends, ISBN
Detailed descriptors for each grade
High Distinction (H)
An analytical piece of work that offers originality in synthesis or analysis, and utilises a multitude of
relevant sources to justify arguments and produce a critical and intelligent piece of work. Work of
this standard will require flawless referencing and will contain few, if any, grammatical errors. All
areas of criteria will be of an excellent standard.
Distinction (D)
Comprehensively analyses the question, understands and compares approaches systematically,
critical comments on literature, excellent examples and illuminating insights. Work of this standard
will be consistent and clear with appropriate referencing and use of grammar throughout.
Credit (C)
Analytical and explanatory discussion, some theoretical insights, good use of sources and examples,
focused argument that could be improved. Work of this standard may achieve good levels of
performance on some of the criteria but not all. The discussion will address the question but could
lean towards description rather than analysis.
Pass (P)
Competent descriptive discussion, some grasp of the topic, coherent style and composition,
essentially a superficial discussion. Work of this standard might only include a limited range of source
material and provide information rather than argument. Structure and presentation could require
improvement and the introduction and conclusion might not clearly convey the position and findings
of the author.
Fail (F)
Discussion fails to answer the set question or relies on few, if any, source material. Answer contains
grammatical errors and/or inappropriate referencing technique and, of course, an absence of any
referencing. Work of this standard is often brief and is unable to demonstrate a clear understanding
of the topic and relevant issues. Responses fail to meet the learning objectives for the assessment.
A similarity report provides an important indicator of whether a student’s work is original or
plagiarised. Generally, a similarity report of more than 25% warrants close scrutiny to assess whether
the problem relates to poor writing technique or plagiarism.
Canvas and Turnitin
This subject will use the Canvas learning management system. Canvas can be accessed by first
clicking onto the Student Portal link on the Win home page, and then clicking onto Canvas.
The Canvas home page for this subject will include the subject outline, information on assessment
items and other subject information, a notice board, and a weekly folder of relevant course
materials, including Power Point slides and a tutorial guide for each topic.
All communications with students in the subject will use the Notice Board and the Canvas email
system. Emails will use only students’ Win email addresses.
Grades will also appear in the My Grades section of Canvas once marking for each assessment has
been completed.
It is an expectation that all students will check the subject’s Canvas site (and their Win student email)
on a regular basis each week.
Assessments will be submitted using the drop boxes that are included in the Canvas site for this
subject. All assignments will be subject to checking using Turnitin text matching programs. Turnitin is
a software product that reports on similarities between your paper and other documents. Turnitin is
used by over 1000 organisations, including universities and colleges around the world. They are an
important tool to assist students with their academic writing by promoting awareness of plagiarism
and contract cheating.
When you submit your assignment through the Canvas drop box, you will receive an originality
report, based on a matching of your work to that in Turnitin’s extensive databases. If you submit your
assignment within a reasonable time before the due date, you will have time to act on the originality
report, if necessary. For example, a high matching percentage may mean that you need to fully
acknowledge your source materials, or it may mean that you need to better paraphrase the source
materials in your own words. Therefore, if you use Turnitin in this way, it can be of considerable
assistance in helping you to improve your writing skills. The key is to allow enough time to make any
changes after viewing the originality report – do not leave your submission until the last minute!
Section B – Additional Institute Information
Grade Descriptions
Students may be awarded a raw numerical mark for each subject which will then be converted to
one of the following:
HD – High Distinction 85% and above
D – Distinction 75 – 84%
C – Credit 65 – 74%
P – Pass 50 – 64%
F – Fail – below 50%
CF – Compulsory Fail (this may be a mark of over 50%, however the student did not achieve at
least 40% in the final assessment item)
For more information on please refer to the Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and
Procedure’ available on the Institute’s website.
Assignment Submissions
Students are required to submit assessment items at the time and date specified in this Subject Outline.
Assessment items submitted after the due date will be subject to a penalty unless the Lecturer or Course
Coordinator has given prior approval in writing for an extension of time to submit that item.
Assessments should be submitted in the form specified in the subject outline or as notified by the
Lecturer. Where assessment items are submitted electronically, the date and time the email was received
will be considered the date and time of submission. Written papers or other physical submissions are to be
time and date stamped as a record of receipt.
Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure, or
other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is
given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student’s performance in a component of the
assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious.
Please refer to the Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and Procedure’ available on the Institute’s
website for details.
Assignment Extensions and Penalties
Assignments must be submitted on the due date. Late assignments will incur a penalty as outlined in the
Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and Procedure’ available on the Institute’s website.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct involves cheating, collusion, plagiarism or any other conduct that deliberately or
inadvertently claims ownership of an idea or concept without acknowledging the source of the
information. This includes any form of activity that negates the academic integrity of the student or
another student and/or their work.
Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used. Specifically
it occurs when: - other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a reference;
- other students’ work is copied or partly copied;
- other people’s designs, codes or images are presented as the student’s own work;
- phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a reference to
the author or a web page; - lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.
Cheating occurs when a student seeks to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or in other
written or practical work required to be submitted or completed for assessment.
Collusion (unauthorised collaboration) involves working with others without permission to produce
work which is then presented as work completed independently by the student. Collusion is a form of
plagiarism. Students should not knowingly allow their work to be copied.
There are substantial penalties for academic misconduct. Please refer to the Institute’s ‘Academic
Integrity and Honesty Policy and Procedure’ available on the web site for more information.
Referencing Procedures
The Institute has adopted the APA Style for the referencing of sources. Please refer to the Institute’s
web site or the library for information on how to reference using the APA style.
Subject Evaluation
At the end of each semester all students will be asked to fill in a subject evaluation form. This
information will assist us in making improvements to enhance the quality of delivery.
Evaluations will include questions about the content, the assessment, delivery mode and other
features. You will also have an opportunity to make open-ended comments. Subject evaluations are
important to us and are taken seriously so please ensure that your responses accurately reflect how
you feel. All evaluations are anonymous to ensure privacy.
Learning Support Services
If you have any queries or requests about the course and this subject in particular, you should first
approach your Lecturer or Tutor. You may also approach the Course Coordinator if you are unable to
resolve your issue with the Lecturer or Tutor. Contact details are provided below.
The Institute wants to ensure that you have the best learning environment available to maximize your
chances to do well in the course. We have staff on hand to provide student support and assistance with
administrative matters when required. We also have a Student Success and Wellbeing Centre that can
provide assistance and support with any personal matters. Contact details are provided below.
If you are experiencing language difficulties, please discuss this with your lecturer who may refer you to
an English language Centre for additional assistance. Depending on the level of support required, there
may be some additional costs imposed.
The Institute has a Student Success and Wellbeing Centre. As part of this centre, there are on-going
workshops available if you need assistance with study skills, presentation skills, writing skills, how to
reference information sources using the APA style etc. Please check with the Study Skills Advisor to
access these services.
Prior to your enrolment, the Institute makes every effort to ensure that your verbal and written skills in
English are at the appropriate level to successfully complete a bachelor’s degree. Each of the subjects will
be delivered by lecturers who are sensitive to the needs of students from a NESB. For this reason,
important vocabulary will be pre-taught. Nevertheless, if you are experiencing language difficulties, you
may be referred by your lecturer to the English language Centre or the Learning Assistance Centre for
additional support.
All lecturers are instructed to carefully monitor each student’s language proficiency in the first four
weeks of subject delivery using the “Participation” mode of assessment, to determine if there are any
problems with your understanding and usage of written and spoken academic English. Through these
Centres, the Institute offers specially developed modules of study designed to enhance your language
and study skills. The level of language support you will require will be determined by our specially
trained staff, qualified “IELTS” testers, in order to ensure that you have all the necessary support to
succeed in your studies.
Depending on the level of support required, there may be some additional costs imposed.
Additional Contacts
Keri Spooner Dean
Charles Lo
Director of Teaching and Research
Head of Discipline, Accounting
Geoff Breach Director of Master of Business
Sai Lakkaraju Director of Bachelor of Information Technology
Alison Lee Director of Bachelor of Business
Celine Adams Director of Bachelor of Business (Professional
Jane Cameron Director of Bachelor of Interactive Media
Erick Opena Registrar
Wendy Wu Assistant Registrar of Higher Education
Philip Wang Library Support
Bella Carr Study Skills Advisor
Christopher O’Neill Zoom and Online technology Support
Iris Weng Academic Support Manager
Steve Li IT Manager
Tavia Xiang Accounts
Wentworth Institute of Higher Education, 302 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Higher Education CRICOS code: 03279M