MIE250 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming | UToronto多伦多大学 | Java编程 | TSP算法daixie


Project 5: Traveling salesman problem

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Project 5: Traveling salesman problem v3


  1. 1  Overview 1 1.1 TSPasagraph…………………………………….. 1 1.2 TSPsolutionpaths…………………………………… 2 1.3 Loadinggraphs…………………………………….. 2
  2. 2  Program description 2
  3. 3  Algorithm descriptions 3 3.1 Nearestneighbor(NN)heuristic ……………………………. 3 3.2 Nearestneighborfirst-last(NN-FL)heuristic ……………………… 3 3.3 Nodeinsertion(NI)heuristic ……………………………… 3
  4. 4  Menu options 3
  5. 5  Error messages 4
  6. 6  Required elements 4 6.1 Variables ……………………………………….. 4 6.2 Classes…………………………………………. 5 6.3 Functions ……………………………………….. 8
  7. 7  Helpful hints 8

New concepts: Inheritance

1 Overview

This project builds upon the previous project, where a program was built to load and store many graphs and test solutions to the traveling salesman problem (TSP) using a simple nearest-neighbor heuristic. TSP is defined as follows. Say we have a set of cities that a traveling salesman needs to visit, and it takes a certain amount of time to travel between each city; what is the cheapest route to visit all cities exactly once?

The remainder of this section provides an overview of TSP from the previous project.

1.1 TSP as a graph

TSP is represented using a graph, where nodes are cities and undirected arcs between them indicate if it is possible to travel between two cities directly, and if so, the cost (distance). Each city (node) will contain the following information:

• Name
• latitude 2 [90, 90]
• longitude 2 [180, 180]

The cost to travel from node i to node j is the distance between the two cities’ coordinates, calculated using the Haversine formula:

a = sin2 (x/2) + cos (xi) ⇥ (xj ) ⇥ sin2 (y/2) b = 2 ⇥ atan2 pa, p1 a

cij =R⇥b

• xi and xj are the latitudes of nodes i and j, respectively, in radians • x is the latitude di↵erence in radians
• y is the longitude di↵erence in radians
• R = 6371, the diameter of Earth in km
• atan2 is the Math.atan2() function

(Haversine Formula)

Costs are not input by the user; instead, they are calculated automatically by the program. Costs cij are stored in cost matrix C, where cij = 0 if nodes i and j are not connected.

An adjacency matrix is a common method to store arcs in a graph. An adjacency matrix A has size n ⇥ n (where n is the number of nodes), and each element aij is 1 if nodes i and j are connected, and 0 otherwise. Similarly, C is the same as the adjacency matrix, but with costs cij instead of ones. Note that because arcs are undirected, A and C will always be symmetric.

1.2 TSP solution paths

A TSP solution path (formally called a Hamiltonian cycle) is a sequence of n + 1 nodes, satisfying the following requirements:

1. Start and end cities match
2. Sequential cities are connected by an arc
3. Cities (other than the home city, the first city in the path) are visited exactly once 4. All cities are visited

1.3 Loading graphs

Graphs are read from text files, formatted as described in previous projects. Files may contain multiple graphs, and multiple files may be loaded by the user.

2 Program description

In this project, you will compare the performance of three di↵erent variations of the nearest neighbor heuristic to find TSP solutions:

• Nearest neighbor (NN), exactly the heuristic you previously wrote • Nearest neighbor first-last (NN-FL)
• Node insertion (NI)

Your program will allow the user to load graphs, run all of the heuristics on all of the graphs, and then compare the performance of the heuristics to try to determine which algorithm performs best. Algorithm performance will be compared using three metrics:

1. Average cost of solution paths found

2. Average computation time 3. Success rate

The performance comparison will not only be useful to indicate which algorithm you might want to use if you have to solve TSP in the future, but it will also illustrate how sensitive greedy heuristics can be, since the only di↵erence between the three algorithms is where the nearest neighbor is inserted into the TSP path.

3 Algorithm descriptions

As previously stated, each of the three algorithms is a variation of the same basic idea: Add the nearest neighbor to the existing path until the path is complete. After the last node is selected, the starting node is added to the end of the path. If at any time there is no valid node to add, or if there is no arc between the last node and the starting node, then the heuristic failed to find a TSP path.

Since the only di↵erence between the algorithms is where the nearest neighbor is put into the path, it makes sense to create a single basic algorithm class, and then have each algorithm inherit from that algorithm class, only changing the next node selection and insertion behavior.

3.1 Nearest neighbor (NN) heuristic

NN is a greedy algorithm that constructs a path by starting at node 1 (the home city) and adding the nearest neighbor to the last node in the path.

3.2 Nearest neighbor first-last (NN-FL) heuristic

NN-FL builds on NN by adding cheapest nearest neighbors to the beginning or end of the path. In each iteration, NN-FL checks the first node’s nearest neighbor (f) and the last node’s nearest neighbor (`), and adds whichever is cheaper. If arc (1,f) has a cheaper cost than arc (n,`), then node f is added to the front of the path. Otherwise, node ` is added to the end of the path.

3.3 Node insertion (NI) heuristic

NI builds on NN-FL by adding the cheapest nearest neighbor to any node in the path, not just the first or last node. There are three possible scenarios:

  • The first node has the cheapest nearest neighbor: Add the new node to the front of the path.
  • The last node has the cheapest nearest neighbor: Add the new node to the end of the path.
  • An internal node i has the cheapest nearest neighbor: Insert the new node after node i in the path, but only if an arc exists between the new node and the node that comes after node i.Note that if the new node already exists in the path, it cannot be inserted into the path.


• • • •

Menu optionsL – Load graphs from file

Read in graphs from a user-specified file.I – Display graph info

Display summary info for each graph, and allow user to select graphs to see detailed info.C – Clear all graphs

Clear all graphs.R – Run nearest neighbor algorithm

D – Display algorithm performance

Display algorithm performance for each graph, and provide a statistical summary.X – Compare average algorithm performance

Compare the average performance of each algorithm variation on the three metrics (cost, computation time, success rate) and identify the best performer in each category and the overall best performer. Ties in best performance are broken in this order: NN, NN-FL, NI.


Quit the program.

Error messagesERROR: Invalid menu choice!

when the user enters an invalid menu choice.ERROR: No graphs have been loaded!

when the user attempts to do anything with the graphs before graphs have been loaded.ERROR: Results do not exist for all algorithms!

when the user attempts to display algorithm performance when all algorithms have not been run.ERROR: File not found!

when the user enters a file name that is not found.

ERROR: <name> did not find a TSP route for Graph <i>! when the algorithm <name> fails to find a TSP route for Graph i.

ERROR: Input must be an integer in [<LB>, <UB>]!
where LB and UB are lower and upper bounds. If UB is equal to the maximum storable value of an int, then “infinity” is displayed instead of the actual UB value. Similarly, if LB is equal to the negative of the maximum storable value of an int, then “-infinity” is displayed instead of the actual LB value.

ERROR: Input must be a real number in [<LB>, <UB>]!
where LB and UB are lower and upper bounds. If UB is equal to the maximum storable value of a double, then “infinity” is displayed instead of the actual UB value. Similarly, if LB is equal to the negative of the maximum storable value of a double, then “-infinity” is displayed instead of the actual LB value.

Required elements


Your project must use the each of the elements described in this section. You can have more functions, variables, and objects if you want, but you must at least use the elements described in this section.

Failure to correctly implement any of the elements in this section may result in a zero on the project.

6.1 Variables

• A single NNSolver object, as defined in Section 6.2
• A single NNFLSolver object, as defined in Section 6.2
• A single NISolver object, as defined in Section 6.2
• A single ArrayList or array of Graph objects, as defined in Section 6.2

• Global public static BufferedReader as the only BufferedReader object in the entire program for reading user input

– Although your programs will compile and run just fine on your own computer with multiple BufferedReader objects, they will not run correctly on a web server with multiple BufferedReader objects. Since your programs will be graded on a web server, please don’t have more than one BufferedReader for reading input from the console.

6.3 Functions

Function prototypes and short descriptions are provided below. It is your job to determine exactly what should happen inside each function, though it should be clear from the function and argument names and function descriptions. You can write more functions (and are strongly recommended to), but you must at least implement the functions defined in this section.


• • • • • • • •

•public static void displayMenu()

Display the menu.public static boolean loadFile(ArrayList<Graph> G)

Read in graphs from a user-specified file.public static void displayGraphs(ArrayList<Graph> G)

Display summary info for each graph, and allow user to select graphs to see detailed info.public static void resetAll(NNSolver NN, NNFLSolver FL, NISolver NI)

Reset all solvers.public static void runAll(ArrayList<Graph> G, NNSolver NN, NNFLSolver FL, NISolver NI)

Run all solvers on all graphs.public static void printAll(NNSolver NN, NNFLSolver FL, NISolver NI)

Print the detailed results and statistics summaries for all algorithms.public static void compare(NNSolver NN, NNFLSolver FL, NISolver NI)

Compare the performance of the algorithms and pick winners.public static int getInteger(String prompt, int LB, int UB)

Get an integer in the range [LB, UB] from the user. Prompt the user repeatedly until a valid value is entered.public static double getDouble(String prompt, double LB, double UB)

Get a real number in the range [LB, UB] from the user. Prompt the user repeatedly until a valid value is entered.

Helpful hints

• All the hints from the previous project are still useful.