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AMATH301 CP10 2022 python代写

AMATH301 Rahman Coding Project 10 Due Friday, June 11th at 11:59pm Problem 1 In real life we are never given a differential equation to solve. We must find the differential equation based on what we know about the process and physical laws. Let’s look at the tank problem that we did in Week 8, but this time with a slight twist. Two tanks with capacities of 10 liters initially contain 2 grams of salt and 1 liter of water. Water containing 1 g/L of salt enters the first tank at a rate of 2 L/hour, and the well-mixed solution flows out of the first tank into the second tank at a rate equivalent to the volume of the first (i.e., V1 L/Hr). None of the brine flows out of the second tank. To model the process follow the steps in the lecture for each tank separately. Notice that the rate for the second tank will depend on the first.
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